Organise Your Wardrobe in 8 Easy Steps

Organise Your Wardrobe in 8 Easy Steps

To be honest, organising a wardrobe is a job that most of us put off. A shirt you’ve never worn might be hanging beside a t-shirt you wear everyday and you’ve realised it’s time to have a clear out. First things first, make sure you dedicate enough time to get this job done - it could take a whole day. The most important part of doing this is to implement an order that you can maintain. Follow these steps to get your wardrobe in order as quickly as possible, then it’s time to relax!

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1. Be Honest With Yourself

It might be an item of clothing that’s needed mending for a long time, or a questionable  piece that someone gave you as a present. Of course we understand that the jumper you bought is beautiful, but aren’t there a number of jumpers at home on your shelf that look strangely similar to this one? :) It’s time to face your wardrobe...honestly, and face every item of clothing: jackets, cardigans, jumpers, t-shirts and even socks.


Our advice to you is to divide your clothes into three categories: 1. Clothes to be donated, 2. Clothes yet to be worn and 3. Clothes that are worn regularly and have earnt their place in your wardrobe. It can be a good idea to try everything on, to see if each item still fits your style and if it still suits you. The most important part of this process however, is to make sure you’re completely honest with yourself! Yes, you’re right that those trousers won’t suit any outfit, so no, you shouldn’t keep them. For clothes that have only seen the light of day once or twice, you can donate them or sell them through mobile apps.


2. Decision Time About Your Old Clothes

You may have some unsalvageable clothes - they may have stains that just won’t budge, that are torn or even just old clothes that have passed their expiry date and no longer belong in your wardrobe. In such cases, you can throw your clothes out or start using them just inside the house. You can even consider creating a patchwork design for something, with some cutting and stitching.


3. Sort by Season

After separating your clothes, it’s time to decide which items get to stay. First of all, find some easily accessible space in your wardrobe and use it as storage space. When the weather starts to get hotter, it will be very useful to have an area where you can put your winter clothes such as your jumpers, coats and boots. Start by packing away the clothes that are not suitable for the season at hand.


4. Determine How Often It’s Worn

So you’ve got the outfits for the right season sorted. Now sort your clothes according to the frequency of them being worn. To make it easy for yourself, place your most frequently worn clothes at eye level. You might also have some pieces that you’ve been thinking you’d like to wear more - make sure these are easily noticeable and accessible.


5. Benefit from Space Saving Hangers and Draw Dividers

When your clothes, you can really benefit from products designed for maximising space and keeping them organised. Choose space saving hangers  to get the most of your wardrobe space. Using a colour scheme to organise your outfits is not only aesthetically pleasing, it can also work wonders for efficiency. 


Think about drawer dividers at this point too. By using them, you can eliminate the tiresome daily search for your ties, socks and underwear.


6. Create Space Using Baskets

Do you feel like there is not enough shelf space in your wardrobe? Do your clothes get mixed up no matter what order you try to create? If so, using baskets can help to create more space as well as keep your clothes organised. They’re also great for when the wardrobe space is being used by more than one person. They will help to divide the space and keep your things separate.


7. Showcase Your Clothes with an Open Wardrobe

If you feel like your wardrobe just doesn’t have enough space, no matter what you do, then we have a modern solution for you. With open wardrobes, you can keep frequently used items of clothing or heavier items out to free up space and make them easily accessible. It’s even a great way to give you ideas for what you might want to wear to work or school the next day and give you the opportunity to have it all ready the night before.


8. Don't Forget Your Shoes and Bags

Start by organising your shoes and bags by season and/or occasion. It might be the trainers you wear to the gym, heels you wear on a night out or bag you use for work, but whatever they are, organise them in a way that makes sense to you. Then make room for them in your wardrobe. A great idea is to store your shoes in transparent boxes to make them easier to locate. 


It’s important to be able to find exactly which bag you want, even when in a rush. Create an order where you hang or store your bags separately and they’re easy to identify and access. By doing this you’ll never have a problem finding the bag you want.


Visual Source: housebeautiful, pinterest, goodhousekeeping

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