If you’ve been living in the same house for a long time, certain bits of home renovation become unavoidable. After a while, doors start not to close properly, taps begin to leak and cabinet hinges become loose.
If you’ve been living in the same house for a long time, certain bits of home renovation become unavoidable. After a while, doors start not to close properly, taps begin to leak and cabinet hinges become loose.
If you’re about to move for the first time, and you’re really not a fan of the thought of it all, the tips below will make getting through the task a whole lot easier.
American blogger Olivia Trewatha opened the doors to her cute New York apartment, a nice and warm escape from the city’s gloomy atmosphere!
This article will highlight a beautiful tradition that in recent years we have adapted into our own home decoration.
Choosing curtains is like choosing clothes for your home. The choice depends not only on what looks good, but also on what purpose they will serve.
To make packing up for moving a bit easier for you, we have put together a list of our golden rules for moving house.
Do you want to learn what are the important things you should pay attention before buying a new home?
Have a look at our suggestions for an inspirational change of colour to your bedroom. We’re sure you’ll find a colour that suits your taste.
Everybody’s idea of what looks good remains different about monochrome design. However, black and white create a perfect harmony when they come together, even if they are polar opposite colours.
Let’s take a look at some living rooms that are designed with wonderful colour combinations, and see what the colours are inspired by
If you see the beauty in your old furniture pieces and want to keep their memories alive, then now is the time to make something of them, and we are here to help you create new memories!
Since goose down coats for buildings readily available, sheathing is one of the best ways to provide insulation!
If you want a bedside table that suits your style and the style of your bedroom, then have a look through this article at some of our favourite DIY bedside table solutions.
We live busy lives, there’s no denying it. We shouldn’t however abandon the ambitions and resolutions we make as we enter each new year. It’s time to stop postponing your dreams!