How to deep clean carpet at home

How to deep clean carpet at home

Carpets are an important part of the decoration in our homes. Therefore, it is important to make sure we keep them clean. There are many ways for cleaning a carpet, from cleaning carpet with hydrogen peroxide, deep cleaning carpet to just vacuuming, it all depends on how dirty the carpet is and the material it is made of. In this article we will present you different carpet cleaning tips on how to clean a carpet at home.

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How to clean the carpet at home?

There are many ways to clean your carpet at home, but they vary according to the type of carpet and the cleaning materials you want to use. But the common rule on how to clean carpet at home list’s is: you have to start by vacuuming the carpet. While cleaning, you have to be aware of the type of carpet you have, because, for example, a carpet made of straw requires a more gentle sweeping. 

How to deep clean your carpet?

If you have a steam vacuum cleaner made for deep cleaning carpet, your task will definitely be easier, as you can use it to deep clean your carpet. But if you do not have one, no worries, we will show you the best way to deep clean carpet without a professional vacuum cleaner.

We all know that baking soda is good for cleaning different surfaces and, should be no surprise, that it can also help with deep cleaning your carpet. As we said before, start by vacuuming the carpet, add baking soda on the most stubborn stains, add some hot water and let it stay for 10-15 minutes. Use a scrub brush to make sure you scrub away the stains - do not forget to use gloves. After you have removed the stains, vacuum the carpet one more time and let it dry.

How to shampoo a carpet?

A very easy way to clean carpet and remove the odor is by using carpet shampoo. These shampooing carpet tips should definitely make your job easier. Before you look into carpet shampooing tips, we recommend you go and buy the carpet shampoo. If you have a regular vacuum cleaner we recommend you buy dry shampoo. For a professional vacuum cleaner we recommend you buy liquid carpet shampoo.

Cleaning using dry carpet shampoo

Dry carpet shampoos can be as good as liquid carpet shampoos, so you can use them with confidence. Firstly, start by spraying the shampoo over the carpet, then use a brush to scrub the carpet. After you made sure you brushed the whole carper, you can then vacuum it. 

Cleaning using liquid carpet shampoo

This type of shampoo should be used with a professional vacuum cleaner. For the best results you should mix the shampoo with hot water. You will need to be careful when you dilute the shampoo so you will not create extra foam. 

Hydrogen peroxide 

Cleaning the carpet with hydrogen peroxide is a very good idea if you need to remove stubborn small size stains. The hydrogen peroxide is especially effective if you need to remove blood stains from your carpet. If you need to remove a blood stain from your carpet and the stain is fresh, you can simply use a napkin soaked in hydrogen peroxide. 

However, if the blood stain had time to dry, to remove it, use some regular detergent with hot water to loosen it a bit, and a brush to scrub it off. After, apply hydrogen peroxide to the stain area, scrub it with a toothbrush in order to help the solution get deeper into the stain and leave it for around 10 minutes. You will know the hydrogen peroxide is working when you see some foam on the area you applied it. 

After 10-15 minutes you can remove the hydrogen peroxide with a regular napkin.

We want you to be aware that using the hydrogen peroxide runs the risk of carpet discolouration after cleaning. So make sure you do not over use it.

Remove hair from the carpet

Have you thought of using a squeegee for carpet cleaning? We tell you this is a very good idea, especially for pet owners, that you help you remove the hair from your carpet. 

The hair that gets stuck in the carpet is very difficult to remove, you might know this better if you are a pet owner. We are here to make this task very easy for you, and for that you will only need a regular squeegee. 

You will not believe how easy it can be to make your carpet look good again. You have used a squeegee before, but for windows, if you use it for carpet it is no different. 

Put the squeegee on the carpet, apply some pressure and drag it towards you - that's all! We are sure you will be impressed with the results.

Wool carpet cleaning 

Wool carpets are the most popular types of carpets, so there are high chances you have one in your house as well. The same as with other types of carpets, if you want to clean a wool carpet, you should start by vacuuming it. If you have a wool carpet, there are few things you should pay attention to so that you do not wear it out. 

For a proper cleaning you should use detergents / shampoos for wool carpets and to mix it with cold water. However, you should be careful not to wet the carpet more than is necessary. 

After the cleaning is done, we recommend you let the carpet dry in a well ventilated place. We do not recommend leaving the carpet dry in the sun as it can cause the colours to fade away.

Use Vinegar for carpet cleaning 

The use of vinegar in cleaning is quite common. For carpet cleaning you can use both, white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. If you spilled a water soluble liquid on your carpet, the vinegar will be very effective for removing it. 

For creating carpet cleaning solution using vinegar, you will need to mix 250 ml of vinegar white or apple cider vinegar with 1 litre of water. Fill the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on the stain. Leave it for 10-15 minutes then wipe it with a cloth soaked in water. 

Cleaning with a steam vacuum cleaner 

The steam vacuum cleaners are very practical for maintaining your carpet clean. Also, they allow you to clean your carpet without using chemicals. But, the steam vacuum cleaners do not remove the stains, they just loosen them up. 

To use a steam vacuum cleaner is actually very easy, first you need to vacuum the carpet, then you need to attach the microfiber cloth on the head of the vacuum cleaner. Lastly, just clean the carpet with the steam vacuum cleaner - yes, is that simple!

Soft carpet cleaning tips

Soft carpets are more difficult to clean than other carpet types. We recommend you shake the carpet, then you can gently vacuum it with the brush extension of the vacuum cleaner. If you want to remove a stain, you can do it with a cloth. The truth is that it is not easy to clean a soft carpet, this is why we recommend you to contact a professional carpet cleaning company. 

Grass carpet cleaning 

Grass carpets are frequently used in balconies and gardens. The point to which you should pay attention to when cleaning this type of carpet, is to vacuum it regularly. A very good feature of these types of carpets is that they are very easy to remove the stains from. Since they are made from plastic, you can use a wet cloth to remove any type of stains. 

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