Say Goodbye to a Dirty Washing Machine with Easy Cleaning Tips

Say Goodbye to a Dirty Washing Machine with Easy Cleaning Tips

A clean washing machine is the key to spotless laundry. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to unpleasant odours, grime build-up, and less efficient cleaning. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to clean a washing machine effectively using simple methods.

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Why is Cleaning Your Washing Machine Important?

Over time, the accumulation of detergent residue, fabric softener, and dirt can make your washing machine work inefficiently. A dirty washing machine can also be a host to bacteria and mold, especially in the seal and drawer areas. Cleaning it regularly means the best performance, an extended lifespan of the machine, and freshness for your clothes.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Washing Machine

Cleaning the Drum

Clean the drum first. Begin with just cleaning the visible residues off the drum with a damp cloth and running an empty, hot cycle with detergent in it, clearing off residual grime.

Vinegar and Baking Soda to Deep Clean

For a deeper clean, you could try the vinegar and baking soda method. Place 250 ml of white vinegar in the detergent drawer and sprinkle two tablespoons of baking soda directly into the drum. Run a hot cycle to break down residue and eliminate odours.

How to Clean the Washing Machine Seal

Inside, it houses mould and dirt. Mix a solution of warm water and mild detergent. Use a soft cloth or a toothbrush to scrub the seal, paying extra attention to crevices. Once clean, use a dry cloth to wipe down the seal to prevent further moisture buildup.

How to Clean the Washing Machine Filter

Cleaning the filter is important for good drainage and to avoid blockages. The filter is usually located at the bottom of the machine. Put a towel underneath it to catch any water that might spill. Remove the filter, rinse under warm water, scrub off any debris, and then put it back in securely.

How to Clean the Washing Machine Drawer

The drawer tends to gather a lot of detergent and mould; it therefore needs regular cleaning. Completely remove the drawer and soak it in warm soapy water. Scrub residue off with a brush, then rinse thoroughly and dry before putting it back in.

Eliminating Odours: How to Clean a Smelly Washing Machine

A stinky washing machine can definitely impact your laundry. For that, use the vinegar and baking soda method frequently. Leave the door open after each use to let the drum dry out and wipe down the seal and drum for areas prone to moisture buildup.

Common Washing Machine Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Also, avoid overloading your washing machine with detergent, as excess detergent will create residue. Also, harsh chemicals should not be used because they can burn the machine. Also, the seals and filters are not to be forgotten since these are the most prone areas to mould and dirt.

Keep Your Washing Machine Fresh with Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance will keep your washer fresh. Clean the drum, seal, and drawer after every couple of uses. Run the cleaning cycle once a month using vinegar and baking soda. Always clean the filter on a regular basis, and do not leave laundry damp in the drum for an extended period.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Clean My Washing Machine?

The drum should be cleaned every month, and the seal, drawer, and filter cleaned every two or three months, or whenever necessary.

Can I Use Bleach to Clean My Washing Machine?

Yes, you can use bleach occasionally for mould killing but do not overdo it because that may ruin the rubber seal. Use with caution.

Why Does My Washing Machine Smell Bad?

These odors are usually from mold, detergent residue, or trapped debris. Regular cleaning of the seal, drum, and filter helps eliminate odors and ensures they do not return.

Can You Wash Shoes or Trainers in a Washing Machine?

Yes, shoes or trainers can be washed in a washing machine. Place them in a mesh bag, use a gentle cycle with cold water, and avoid high spin speeds to protect the machine and the footwear.

By following these tips, you will keep your washing machine in top condition, ensuring fresh and clean laundry every time.

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